A central feature of our adaptive fitness and life-skills programs is integrating a volunteer school-based and club-based buddy program under the banner of ‘myBuddyNation’.
Research in the United States shows that peer support for individuals with disabilities is often a win–win scenario, benefiting children with and without disabilities. These pairings enhance the social skills of children with disabilities by increasing their opportunities for interaction with mainstream peers, which provides them with increased opportunities to role model age-appropriate social skills.[1]
F4B Training Buddies are volunteer boys & girls between 12-17 years who exercise alongside our participating adolescent boys & girls with higher needs (our ‘F4B All-Stars’).
F4B Training Buddies role model specific physical skills and techniques, by providing individual peer-to-peer support and leadership to our F4B All-Stars. They are asked to demonstrate what hard work, perseverance and success look and feels like; while gaining insights into the difficulties faced by youth with functional & intellectual disabilities in undertaking every day activities.
In addition, F4B Training Buddies play a key role in modelling and reinforcing acceptable standards of language, online/offline social trends, personal safety & hygiene, and contemporary pop-culture being enjoyed by their mainstream peers (e.g. popular expressions/slang, trending music and online games). Similarly, F4B Training Buddies benefit by gaining increased awareness and normalising disability for the next generation of youth. It is critical F4B Training Buddies respect the values and dignity of all people – and champion the particular rights and needs of young people with disabilities.
F4B is currently progressing partnerships with like-minded, mainstream secondary schools, sport & music clubs to implement an Inclusive-Youth-Leadership Buddy Program; incorporating an e-learning platform and 'young leaders volunteer buddy system'.