F4B is currently conducting an ‘Adaptive Functional Strength & Conditioning Program Trial’ supported by our F4B Clinical Review Panel of Medical & Allied Health Professionals under the banner: myAbilityNation. This Program Trial comprises a series of Phases; each conducted over a 14 week cycle.
Our myAbilityNation program aims to adapt specific language and exercise techniques to improve functional mobility for low-tone adolescent boys & girls with mild to moderate functional & intellectual disabilities. The Trial protocol adopts an evidence-based platform with secondary outcomes seeking to improve muscle memory and visual perception abilities.
A key feature of the Trial success is the participation of volunteer Training Buddies. Our F4B Training Buddies are asked to role model each specific training technique and provide peer-to-peer support and leadership to our participating adolescent boys & girls (F4B All-Stars). Our Training Buddies definitely work up a sweat and role model what hard work, perseverance and endurance look like - while gaining insights into the difficulties faced by youth with learning & perceptual disabilities in undertaking every day activities.
An example of our Program Trial’s functional mobility goals include: (i) sitting to standing unassisted; (ii) independent walking up & down stairs of varying heights & outdoor environmental settings (base level); (iii) independent running up & down stairs of varying heights and outdoor environmental settings (advanced level).
The Program Trial goals also include enhancing the life-skills of our F4B All-Stars through regulated interactions in a variety of public & private training environments with focus on reinforcing positive social cues and behaviours (verbal/non-verbal). In addition, our Training Buddies play a key role in modelling & reinforcing acceptable standards of language, online/offline social trends, personal safety & hygiene, and contemporary pop-culture being enjoyed by their mainstream peers.
F4B is currently seeking to attract additional funding and corporate support to develop our Program Trial to a Pilot Program conducted over (3 x 14) week phases.