  • Mission March 2022

Mission March 2022

Fight4Balance has teamed up with Jetts Greenslopes and Jetts Baringa to promote disability awareness and inclusion during the month of March.

Join our MISSION MARCH JETTS CHALLENGE to help bust disability for adolescent boys and girls living with functional and intellectual disabilities.

Take on Jacob's '60 second assault bike challenge' each week during March and record your best result = your maximum number of calories burned over 60 seconds.

Like and subscribe to our Charity's new YouTube Channel: Fight4Balance TV to help our Charity grow and connect with families living with and without disabilities.

Join today - make a real difference to help bust disability!!

Hi, my name is Jacob, and I am a member a Jetts Greebslopes.  My mum and dad founded our charity, Fight4Balance (F4B). 

I have disabilities which make my brain and body work differently to other people. I also have a medical condition which made me die twice.  I am now 15yrs old and still learning to read and write by myself.

When I was younger the doctors told my parents never to expect me to run a 100m race because of my intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, low muscle tone and autism. 

All that change when my mum and dad started F4B to help me and other teenage boys and girls with disabilities get stronger bodies and brains through special exercise programs developed and adapted by F4B.  I still have to try really hard to control my brain and body, but I can now run up to 10km on the treadmill.

I wish every minute or every day for my brain and body to be "normal" like everyone else - but that will never happen. Help support our charity and community of families living with disabilities.

Join my '60 second assault bike challenge' and hep grow Mission March across all Jetts Gyms in Australia.

Good luck and smell ya later!